Enjoy 'spooktacular' activities at Betty Brinn Children's Museum's popular 'Not-So-Scary Halloween'

MILWAUKEE -- If your little ones spook easily -- fear not this Halloween. On Saturday, Oct. 27, Betty Brinn Children's Museum is hosting "Not-So-Scary Halloween!" Kasey spent the morning there -- previewing the family-friendly Halloween festivities.

About Not-So-Scary Halloween (website)

Celebrate the fall season with plenty of Halloween fun created especially for young children at the Museum’s popular Not-So-Scary Halloween. Wear your favorite costume and enjoy spooktacular activities throughout the Museum. The event is free for Museum members and free with regular paid admission for non-members. This event will not feature trick-or-treating or candy.

For added fun, visit our friends from Milwaukee Downtown at “MOTOR” for a special treat (while supplies last.) MOTOR is located outside the Museum in O’Donnell Park.


10 a.m. to 12 p.m. – Creepy Crafts in the Be A Maker space
10:30 a.m. – Spooky Story Time in Room to Grow
12 p.m. – Not-So-Scary Snakes in Room to Grow (30 minute program)
1 to 4 p.m. – Creepy Crafts in the Be A Maker space
1:30 p.m. – Not-So-Scary Snakes in Room to Grow (30 minute program)