Explanation of archery scoring

Archery starts with the desire to want to shoot a bow, from that point on it’s all about learning the sport. Brian Kramp is in Brookfield at West Town Archery learning how to shoot and score.

Shooting opportunities for prospective archers

Looking for a fun sport the entire family can take part in year round both inside and out? West Town Archery can help. Brian Kramp is in Brookfield where lessons and leagues for kids are just part of what’s offered.

Mountain biking at Minooka Park

Bikes are just for flat roads and in Waukesha you can experience more than 5 miles of trails made for mountain bikes. Brian Kramp is at Minooka Park where they have a variety of terrain for all ages.

Dog exercise at Minooka Park

If your dog has been cooped up inside all day it may want to get put and run around once and awhile and the Dog exercise areas at Minooka Park are a great place to start. Brian Kramp is with the Waukesha County Executive checking out the 19 acres of land they have for your furry friends to run and play.

Picnics in Minooka Park

Looking for a refreshingly tranquil atmosphere with trails that lead you farther from the city and further into nature? Brian Kramp is in Waukesha at Minooka Park where you can enjoy more than just picnics in the park.

Natural land management at Minooka Park

Looking for a way to give back to the beautiful parks in Waukesha County? Brian Kramp is with their conversation biologist with a few way to help manage the natural land in Minooka Park.