That's a wrap on our 'Senior Spotlight' High School Hot Shots: 100 student athletes from 49 area schools
The student-athletes in spring sports for the Class of 2020 never got to play their final seasons. They had put in the work, paid the dues, and made the sacrifices to have that final chance to compete - and then COVID-19 hit.
In mid-April, we started profiling some of these kids every night. We were able to recognize 100 High School Hot Shots from 49 different schools before the end of the academic year.
Most processed the disappointment of not being able to compete and channeled it into a life lesson. Their coaches would be proud.
Something was taken from these student-athletes, to be sure, but something was gained by them and their would-be teammates, too – perspective.
Life awaits, maybe including competitive sports and maybe not, these High School Hot Shots can hold their heads high.