Fans react to latest Braun news as he goes back on roster

MILWAUKEE (WITI) -- Brewers slugger Ryan Braun was back on the roster on Tuesday, July 9th -- the same day ESPN’s Outside The Lines reported Braun will be suspended, along with as many as 20 other Major League baseball players after the All-Star break.

The website also reported that Braun has “refused to answer questions during a recent meeting with Major League Baseball about his connection to Tony Bosch and the Biogenesis clinic in Miami.”

As they watched Braun play in Tuesday night's game at Miller Park, many fans reacted to the news.

"It's kinda like, let's get it over with and move on," Anthony Mariani said.

Mariani says he has accepted that the team will lost its MVP to a reported 100-game suspension for PED use.

Braun has denied the allegations.

Mariani says the rumors and denial have put a haze over the season and tailgates.

"It's been more depressing coming in wondering if you're going to see him or not see him," Mariani said.

"He's a good player, so it's sad that it's all coming to this," another fan at Miller Park Tuesday told FOX6 News.