Bucks Beno Udrih plays big role early in Bucks' season

MILWAUKEE -- The Milwaukee Bucks got off to a better than expected start this NBA season, and one of the major reasons was the better than expected performance of a guy who didn't do much last year. 

The Bucks won three of their first four games this season, with reserve guard Beno Udrih playing a big role in the victories and sitting out with an injury in the defeat.

"I'm just trying to go out there to score and run the offense and set my teammates up," Udrih said.

If that sounds like the attitude of a long-time pro, Udrih qualifies. The Slovenian came into the NBA in 2004, and won a title with the Spurs in 2005. Glen "Big Dog" Robinson was on that team. Then, it was on to some pretty busy seasons in Sacramento before a quiet debut in Milwaukee last year.

"Definitely. It was a little hard to adjust -- especially when my expectations were a little bigger, to have a little more minutes and being productive when I was on the court. This year, I'm just trying to be positive and if my team is winning, I'm happy. It's a team sport. Trying to be a team player," Udrih said.

The Bucks backup plays the way he speaks, with some confidence.

Now that it's been established that when #19 is given significant playing time, he produces, the only thing left to be determined is just exactly how you pronounce his last name!

"I still hear Udrick, Udray, Udrig -- just call me Beno and I'll be happy with it. There's so many different ways that I heard it, that I tell people 'just call me Beno and I'll be fine,'" Udrih said.

For the record, Udrih says it's Udrih with a long "H."

The Milwaukee Bucks are back on the home floor Wednesday night, November 14th against Indiana.