Work on westbound Airport Spur begins Monday
MILWAUKEE -- The Wisconsin Department of Transportation (WisDOT) will fully close the Airport Spur (WIS 119) westbound leaving the Airport for reconstruction beginning at 6 a.m. on February 20th through late 2012.
Traffic exiting the General Mitchell International Airport should utilize the following detour route information:
From General Mitchell International Airport to I-43/94 NB (to Downtown Milwaukee):
From General Mitchell International Airport to I-94 EAST (SB) (to Racine/Kenosha/Chicago):
General Mitchell International Airport to I-43/894 WB (to Madison/Beloit):
Demolition of the WIS 119 bridge over 13th Street is scheduled next week between 8 a.m. and 8 p.m. 13th Street will be fully closed to through traffic during those hours to safely accommodate overhead work. This work is weather-dependent.
Future work associated with the westbound Airport Spur reconstruction includes: