Woof Gang Rescue saves dog's life with emergency sex change surgery
RACINE -- A dog surrendered in Chicago had emergency "sex change" surgery to save its life at the Woof Gang Rescue in Racine.
According to Woof Gang Rescue Executive Director, Jodie Hoffmann, "Bishop" was surrendered to Chicago Care and Animal Control (CACC) by the family he lived with for seven years because his owner's girlfriend was allergic.
Hoffmann says Bishop was shy and bewildered in his new surroundings.
"He was shut down, and fearful," Hoffmann said.
After a medical examination, it was determined Bishop had bladder stones and was urgent or he'd be put down Monday night, November 13th. The CACC would not be able to pay for the necessary procedure to help Bishop, so Woof Gang Rescue in Racine, was contacted.
When Bishop arrived in Racine -- where the facility had time to establish a potential adopter -- more bad news came. According to Hoffmann, Bishop was in a lot more pain than originally thought; the stones were lodged in his penis by the bone and were unable to be broken up to be removed.
According to Woof Gang Rescue, there were two options: Bishop needed to be put down, or have a sex change operation.
"It was a long, risky (and very expensive procedure!) but we are happy to report Bishop…now “Bishy” is doing well," Hoffmann said. "...first surgery is complete but will need another one in a few days to remove the extra bladder stones."
Due to the expense of the surgery, a YouCaring page has been established to help pay for the cost.
We're wish Bishy a full and fast recovery. According to the YouCaring page, Bishy already has an adopter waiting.