WisDOT Hwy. 100 resurfacing project begins on March 3rd
MILWAUKEE (WITI) -- The Wisconsin Department of Transportation (WisDOT) will begin resurfacing of WIS 100/Mayfair Road between Silver Spring Drive and Burleigh Street. WisDOT will begin work on Monday March 3rd. The work is expected to continue until late fall.
The current condition of the roadway pavement is highly deteriorated. On WIS 100, the pavement will be resurfaced, traffic signals will be upgraded, and some medians will be updated to add left-turn lanes.
During construction on WIS 100, from Burleigh to Capitol Drive, two lanes of traffic will be open in each direction during construction with turn lanes provided at signalized intersections. From Capitol to Silver Spring Drive, one lane of traffic will be open in each direction with turn lanes provided at signalized intersections. At night, one lane of traffic will be open in each direction for the entire length of the project and turn lanes may be closed during that time of day.
On Silver Spring Drive near the intersection, the pavement will be replaced. A sidewalk will be added to the north side of the road.
WisDOT is asking motorists to allow for additional time and remain alert and to use caution in the construction zone. It will take some time for drivers to adjust to the new patterns and some delays are expected. For current traffic conditions visit 511wi.gov.