Wisconsin Senate approves 70 mph speed limit
MADISON (AP) — The state Senate has approved a bill that would allow Wisconsin transportation officials to raise the speed limit on some roads to 70 mph.
The bill would permit the Department of Transportation officials to raise the limit to 70 mph on roads they deem fit. The proposal would prohibit DOT from going to 70 on four-lane roads with at-grade access, however.
The Senate passed the measure on a voice vote on Wednesday, May 6th. It goes next to the state Assembly. That chamber passed the bill in March before legislators added the at-grade prohibition. Both houses must pass an identical bill before it can go to Governor Scott Walker for his signature.
"As soon as they figured out that angle on it (four-lane highways that go over at-grade crossings) and talked to the DOT, then they were comfortable and able to go to the Assembly and say ‘will you guys support this?’ I’m glad that it happened and seemed to be a lot of support for the change," Senate Majority Leader Scott Fitzgerald said.