Wisconsin Humane Society launches "bottle baby" foster program
MILWAUKEE -- The Wisconsin Humane Society (WHS) launched on Wednesday, May 10th a “bottle baby” foster program for orphaned, neonatal kittens and is looking for volunteers to provide in-home foster care.
Bottle babies are orphaned, neonatal kittens too young to eat solid food on their own. They are generally one day to four weeks old. Without a mom to care for them, they depend on caring people to survive.
Officials at WHS say fostering bottle babies is a serious commitment, as the little ones may need feeding as often as every 2-3 hours. They also need help going to the bathroom (by wiping their little bums), and need warmth constantly. Bottle baby fostering may be best for people who work from home, have flexible schedules, stay at home, are retired, or are able to bring tiny kittens to work every day.

"Bottle babies" at Wisconsin Humane Society
There are two ways to get started (choose either):

"Bottle babies" at Wisconsin Humane Society