Wisconsin DOJ, feds, police set up Drug Take Back Day
MADISON — The state Department of Justice, federal authorities and police are urging people to get rid of unwanted medications this weekend.
The DOJ, the U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration and local police departments have set up a drug take back day on Saturday. People can bring unwanted prescription and over-the-counter drugs to collection points around the state. A map of collection sites is available at doseofrealitywi.gov/find-a-take-back-location.
The effort is designed to combat misuse and abuse of prescription painkillers and other drugs. All unwanted medications turned in at collection sites must be generated by a household rather than businesses. The sites won't accept needles, bio-hazardous materials, personal care products such as shampoo or illegal drugs such as marijuana or methamphetamine.
A number of law enforcement agencies across Wisconsin offer drug disposal boxes year-round.