Which presidential candidate gets the most money from your state?

Although online fundraising democratized the money-grabbing business in politics, some places are known for being cash cows — and yes, we are looking at you, New York and California. But with White House hopefuls hailing from all corners of the country this cycle, some states are playing an outsized role in campaign finance.

InsideGov wanted to find out which presidential candidates are raking in the most dough from each state. Using data from the Federal Election Commission, we looked at each of the 50 states and the District of Columbia and found who raised the most money in each place. We combined candidate committee totals with the money raised by the super PAC(s) supporting each campaign, to provide a full picture of monetary support. (Note: Per the FEC's data, candidate committee totals reflect contributions of $200 or more. Therefore, candidates might have raised more total money due to contributions under $200.)

The data covers fundraising figures as of Oct. 15, 2015, the most recent data available from the FEC. Some candidates who have since dropped out of the presidential primary are included in this data. We’ve ranked our list based on how much money the top candidate raised in each state, with the lowest total going first.

While there are some predictable results here — you’d expect that Republican Gov. John Kasich would be the candidate to raise the most money in his native Ohio — some states surprised us. The reliably blue state of New York, for example, preferred a Republican candidate over its former senator, Democrat Hillary Clinton.

More:Your Guide to the 2016 Election

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#51. Ben Carson - North Dakota


Ben Carson and super PACs supporting him raised $24,015 in North Dakota.

#50. Ben Carson - Alaska


Ben Carson and super PACs supporting him raised $45,225 in Alaska.

#49. Ben Carson - South Dakota


Ben Carson and super PACs supporting him raised $72,519 in South Dakota.

#48. Jeb Bush - Delaware


Jeb Bush and super PACs supporting him raised $93,600 in Delaware.

#47. Jeb Bush - Idaho


Jeb Bush and super PACs supporting him raised $100,455 in Idaho.

#46. Jeb Bush - Montana


Jeb Bush and super PACs supporting him raised $103,550 in Montana.

#45. Scott Walker - Wyoming


Scott Walker and super PACs supporting him raised $116,900 in Wyoming.

#44. Jeb Bush - Mississippi


Jeb Bush and super PACs supporting him raised $189,630 in Mississippi.

#43. Rand Paul - Kentucky


Rand Paul and super PACs supporting him raised $193,531 in Kentucky.

#42. Hillary Clinton - Kansas


Hillary Clinton and super PACs supporting her raised $194,220 in Kansas.

#41. Hillary Clinton - Maine


Hillary Clinton and super PACs supporting her raised $196,068 in Maine.

#40. Hillary Clinton - New Hampshire


Hillary Clinton and super PACs supporting her raised $202,636 in New Hampshire.

#39. Jeb Bush - Iowa


Jeb Bush and super PACs supporting him raised $252,035 in Iowa.

#38. Jeb Bush - Hawaii


Jeb Bush and super PACs supporting him raised $255,200 in Hawaii.

#37. Jeb Bush - Utah


Jeb Bush and super PACs supporting him raised $388,961 in Utah.

#36. Hillary Clinton - Indiana


Hillary Clinton and super PACs supporting her raised $405,896 in Indiana.

#35. Jeb Bush - Rhode Island


Jeb Bush and super PACs supporting him raised $428,200 in Rhode Island.

#34. Jeb Bush - Alabama


Jeb Bush and super PACs supporting him raised $428,255 in Alabama.

#33. Hillary Clinton - Oregon


Hillary Clinton and super PACs supporting her raised $459,074 in Oregon.

#32. Bernie Sanders - Vermont


Bernie Sanders raised $470,198 in Vermont.

#31. Hillary Clinton - New Mexico


Hillary Clinton and super PACs supporting her raised $620,031 in New Mexico.

#30. Jeb Bush - Arizona


Jeb Bush and super PACs supporting him raised $746,885 in Arizona.

#29. Hillary Clinton - North Carolina


Hillary Clinton and super PACs supporting her raised $775,031 in North Carolina.

#28. Hillary Clinton - Minnesota


Hillary Clinton and super PACs supporting her raised $864,988 in Minnesota.

#27. Hillary Clinton - Washington


Hillary Clinton and super PACs supporting her raised $952,647 in Washington.

#26. Jeb Bush - West Virginia


Jeb Bush and super PACs supporting him raised $1,007,050 in West Virginia.

#25. Jeb Bush - Missouri


Jeb Bush and super PACs supporting him raised $1,196,038 in Missouri.

#24. Rand Paul - Nevada


Rand Paul and super PACs supporting him raised $1,202,463 in Nevada.

#23. Jeb Bush - Tennessee


Jeb Bush and super PACs supporting him raised $1,339,476 in Tennessee.

#22. Lindsey Graham - South Carolina


Lindsey Graham and super PACs supporting him raised $1,504,389 in South Carolina.

#21. Jeb Bush - Michigan


Jeb Bush and super PACs supporting him raised $1,812,648 in Michigan.

#20. John Kasich - Ohio


John Kasich and super PACs supporting him raised $2,125,474 in Ohio.

#19. Jeb Bush - Oklahoma


Jeb Bush and super PACs supporting him raised $2,226,724 in Oklahoma.

#18. Rand Paul - Pennsylvania


Rand Paul and super PACs supporting him raised $2,362,900 in Pennsylvania.

#17. Jeb Bush - Virginia


Jeb Bush and super PACs supporting him raised $2,384,834 in Virginia.

#16. Chris Christie - Connecticut


Chris Christie and super PACs supporting him raised $2,481,799 in Connecticut.

#15. Bobby Jindal - Louisiana


Bobby Jindal and super PACs supporting him raised $2,706,367 in Louisiana.

#14. Jeb Bush - Georgia


Jeb Bush and super PACs supporting him raised $3,056,412 in Georgia.

#13. Hillary Clinton - Colorado


Hillary Clinton and super PACs supporting her raised $3,182,227 in Colorado.

#12. Hillary Clinton - Maryland


Hillary Clinton and super PACs supporting her raised $3,209,412 in Maryland.

#11. Mike Huckabee - Arkansas


Mike Huckabee and super PACs supporting him raised $3,476,518 in Arkansas.

#10. Hillary Clinton - Massachusetts


Hillary Clinton and super PACs supporting her raised $4,257,839 in Massachusetts.

#9. Jeb Bush - Illinois


Jeb Bush and super PACs supporting him raised $4,347,975 in Illinois.

#8. Chris Christie - New Jersey


Chris Christie and super PACs supporting him raised $4,665,761 in New Jersey.

#7. Scott Walker - Nebraska


Scott Walker and super PACs supporting him raised $4,922,600 in Nebraska.

#6. Hillary Clinton - District of Columbia


Hillary Clinton and super PACs supporting her raised $5,344,380 in Washington, D.C.

#5. Scott Walker - Wisconsin


Scott Walker and super PACs supporting him raised $7,501,488 in Wisconsin.

#4. Jeb Bush - New York


Jeb Bush and super PACs supporting him raised $17,732,677 in New York.

#3. Hillary Clinton - California


Hillary Clinton and super PACs supporting her raised $23,881,290 in California.

#2. Ted Cruz - Texas


Ted Cruz and super PACs supporting him raised $25,119,000 in Texas.

#1. Jeb Bush - Florida


Jeb Bush and super PACs supporting him raised $32,502,925 in Florida.