Walker says framework of budget deal likely in next few days; others not so optimistic

MADISON -- Governor Scott Walker on Wednesday, June 24th said the framework of a budget deal to break a nearly month-long impasse is likely in the next few days.

Walker did not say Wednesday what the deal may look like.

But Republican Assembly Speaker Robin Vos says in response, "It sounds like the governor is more optimistic than I am."

Walker is downplaying the budget delay, noting that only three budgets have been signed before July 19th since 1983 and two of those were when he was governor.

He also defends his involvement in the budget negotiations, saying he has been more active this year than ever before.

Meanwhile, Republican Senate Majority Leader Scott Fitzgerald says he still does not have the votes to pass the state budget.

Fitzgerald said Wednesday that he is still working with Republican senators who want to see items "included, eliminated or modified."

The budget-writing Joint Finance Committee has not met since May 29th and has no meetings scheduled.

Republican leaders said Tuesday their goal was to be done by July 1st, which is unlikely.

Fitzgerald says Republicans have yet to reach agreement on several key issues, including whether to delay work on the Zoo Interchange near Milwaukee to deal with cuts in road funding, whether to remove a financing deal for a new Milwaukee Bucks arena from the budget and what changes to make to the state's prevailing wage law.