Volkswagen: Car owners signing up in droves for $15B deal

SAN FRANCISCO — An attorney for Volkswagen says car owners eligible for a buyback or fix under a $15 billion settlement deal over the company's emissions cheating scandal are signing up and submitting claims at a high rate.

Sharon Nelles told a federal judge in San Francisco on Thursday that more than 370,000 people have registered on the settlement website and nearly 200,000 people have submitted claims. Nelles said the participation rate was exceptional.

The deal covers about 475,000 Volkswagens and Audis that the company acknowledged last year were programmed to cheat on emissions tests. A judge approved the deal last week.

It allows owners to sell their vehicles back to Volkswagen or get them fixed and gives them an additional $5,100 to $10,000 each. A fix has yet to be finalized.