Video: Sneak peek of what to expect at the 5th annual 'Doors Open Milwaukee'

MILWAUKEE -- Historic Milwaukee, Inc.’s fifth annual Doors Open Milwaukee is coming up on Saturday, September 19th and Sunday, September 20th. Its organizers say the 2015 edition will be bigger and better than ever.

Doors Open Milwaukee includes more than 150 buildings across 25+ neighborhoods all over the Milwaukee area. More than 50 locations are new to the event this year.

To help kick off this year's event, Door Open Milwaukee released a sneak peek video of what visitors can expect. The video (seen above) was created by Sabljak Raether Hogerton / SRH Marketing. It blends color with black-and-white imagery to showcase some of the most noteworthy Doors Open participants in a series of ‘living postcards.’

A printed 'Doors Open Milwaukee' guide is available for download at the Doors Open Milwaukee website.