Video: Man wipes nose on Dollar Tree employee's shirt after being told to wear a mask

HOLLY, Mich. -- Police in Holly, Michigan, are searching for a man they said used a Dollar Tree employee's shirt to wipe his nose after being advised that he had to wear a mask in the store.

According to the Holly Police Department, the older man is wanted for assaulting the Dollar Tree employee on Saturday, May 2.

Police said around 1:30 p.m., the clerk was working in the store when she noticed an older man walking through the store without a mask, despite signs that said all customers must wear a mask to enter the store posted on the entry.

When the clerked told the man that he needed to wear one, she said he walked over and said: "Here, I will use this as a mask" and then wiped his face on the sleeve of her shirt. Holly police posted a video of the incident on their Facebook page

Holly police said the man was loud and disruptive before finally leaving the store in what is believed to be a white Ford van.