Too graphic? That's what Facebook says of a photo featuring a newborn that needs a new heart

NORTH CAROLINA (WITI) -- Too graphic? That's what Facebook says of a photo posted to a Facebook page intended to raise money for a newborn in need of a heart transplant. This, according to a North Carolina father.

WTVD reports Hudson Bond was born on July 18th. One week later, his parents learned their little boy needs a new heart.

Hudson Bond is in the ICU at Duke Children's Hospital. An artificial heart is keeping him alive -- buying time for the boy to receive a heart transplant.

Hudson's father, Kevin Bond turned to Facebook to raise awareness, and money to help pay his son's medical bills.

WTVD says Kevin Bond tried to advertise a Facebook page he created in honor of the boy, called "Hudson's Heart." Facebook said the ad with Hudson's picture was rejected because it was scary, gory or sensational, and it evokes a negative response.

“I was really hurt actually. I mean I kind of cried. He’s my son. I love him. And to have someone reject a picture my beautiful son lying in a hospital bed needing help — that really cut me," Kevin Bond told WTVD.

Bond says he's tried contacting Facebook to no avail.

“We love our son, we just want to share his story and raise awareness for kids like him and to see that request denied is hard considering some of the other garbage you see on that page,” Bond said.

CLICK HERE for more on this story via WTVD.

CLICK HERE to access the Facebook page established for Hudson Bond.