"This is about to get really difficult:" Thieves steal power chair needed by Milwaukee woman
MILWAUKEE -- A Milwaukee woman is supposed to start taking college classes in January. While she says nothing can stop her, she can be slowed.
Earlier this week, Rayquetta Lawrence's routine went from difficult to devastating.

Rayquetta Lawrence
"I have to do what I have to do, because I gotta go get my money," Lawrence said.
Cerebral palsy is no match for the 19-year-old woman, who does not let the condition keep her from being active.
"Very confident. Very independent. And that's the type of person that I am," Lawrence said.
A few days ago, her cousin helped Lawrence get to her job at Sam's Club -- and her special seat was stolen.
"I pretty much have to have a power chair," Lawrence said.

"First, I thought my cousin was joking. I'm like, 'the chair is not outside,' and 'no. It's really not outside. Somebody took it from behind the fence.' And 'yeah, it's really not outside, anymore,'" Lawrence said.
Lawrence filed a police report and most certainly has rolled on. But she said she's concerned about the approaching winter.
"This is about to get really difficult -- with the snow, and I gotta have people push me. This is about to get really -- this is about to get hard. But I mean, there's a lot of stuff I can get past. I been through a lot worse than this," Lawrence said.

Lawrence said her mother, who lives in Texas, has been trying to get her daughter to join her for months. But Lawrence has tried to maintain her independence, and make it on her own here in Milwaukee. However, after this crime, she said she's reconsidering -- and may be making a move.
If you're interested in contributing to Lawrence's effort to replace her wheelchair, CLICK HERE.