Third cougar sighting in recent weeks confirmed in Marinette County by Wisconsin DNR
MARINETTE — A third cougar sighting in recent weeks in northern Wisconsin has been confirmed by the state Department of Natural Resources.

Cougar Marinette County
The department says the latest sighting was confirmed in Marinette County after it received a July 19th trail camera photo of big cat on August 4th. The photo was taken 10 days after two confirmed cougar sightings in Langlade County, and in a location roughly 60 miles east.
According to the department, genetic evidence suggests cougars spotted in Wisconsin are males from a western U.S. breeding population. The department says no evidence shows cougars are breeding in Wisconsin.

Cougar Langlade County
Wisconsin considers cougars a protected species, and hunting is not allowed. The department says the big cats aren't considered a public safety threat.
CLICK HERE for more on cougars in Wisconsin via the DNR's website.