'There goes Christmas:' Deputies collected toys for children of single mother who lost wallet at IHOP
TAMARAC, Fla. -- A single mother lost her wallet right before Christmas, but Florida deputies stepped up to make sure her daughters would have something to open on Christmas.
Christmas came early for the Green family in Tamarac, Florida on Thursday, Dec. 19. It almost didn't come at all.
Sade Green was eating at IHOP and somehow lost her wallet. She found it a day later, but the $400 she had inside to buy her daughters' Christmas presents was gone.
"There goes Christmas, yes, because like, my food, money, everything was in the wallet," said Green.
She called the Broward Sheriff's Office, and Deputy Michael Ryan and Sgt. Matt Herbert responded.
"Her heart was broken when she was telling us that, like, 'What am I going to do?'" said Deputy Ryan. "You know, 'What am I gonna do for my kids?'"
Instantly, their hearts went out to the single mother with three young girls. They got their comrades at the station together and said, "We're going to make sure this family has a Christmas."
"And I thought, 'What can we do to, you know, assist a member of our community?'" said Sgt. Herbert. "'What can we do to help this person, to help her children?'"
As it turned out, the whole Tamarac District wanted to get involved. In less than a week, they collected enough toys to cover several tables. Community Service Aide Barry Berhow even bought a bike for the oldest girl.
"It's really more of a season for giving, and, you know, for everything that you give, you'll receive two-fold," said Berhow.
Three-fold, in this case. Thanks to the effort of the community, three little girls would have a lot to smile about this Christmas.
"I appreciate it," said Green. "I love everything. They love everything, and, I mean, donuts on me next week."