Teen pulled from duplex fire has been removed from life support
MILWAUKEE (WITI) -- FOX6 News has learned a teenage boy pulled from a fire back on January 2nd has been removed from life support.
14-year-old Naiza Love-Roy was hospitalized following the January 2nd fire.
When the boy was pulled from the upstairs of the two-family duplex, he had no pulse.
Paramedics were able to revive him, but smoke inhalation and carbon monoxide poisoning left the boy lifeless in his hospital bed.
The boy eventually developed pneumonia and other health complications -- including an elevated heart rate and high blood pressure.
The teen's family says they are not happy with the care Love-Roy received at Columbia St. Mary's Hospital -- and plan to file a lawsuit.
The teen's mother has told FOX6 News she has arranged for an independent investigation and has taken her concerns to the hospital's Board of Review.
Columbia St. Mary's has issued a statement to FOX6 News, saying: "Columbia St. Mary’s extends to the Love-Roy family our deepest sympathies during this very difficult time. We are confident that Columbia St. Mary’s provided compassionate yet aggressive state-of-the-art burn care to their son. As in all cases like this, we are conducting a thorough, transparent and focused review of his care. Additionally, we are working with the family to accommodate an independent assessment with a clinician identified by the family."