Red-tailed hawk released into the wild after someone shot her, shattering her wing in November
FRANKLIN -- A red-tailed hawk was released back into the wild Saturday, Jan. 4 in Whitnall Park.
Officials with the Wisconsin Humane Society's Wildlife Rehabilitation Center said someone shot her, and she came to the center on Nov. 3 with a fractured radius bone in her left wing -- unable to fly. Thankfully, a good Samaritan found her and brought her in for care.
At the Wildlife Rehabilitation Center, she received exams, antibiotics and pain medications, skilled wound and management care, specialized housing, multiple radiographs, physical therapy, and more.
In mid-December, she graduated to a pre-release outdoor enclosure to help her regain strength.
On Saturday, fully recovered, she was able to return to the wild.
Wildlife Rehabilitation Center officials noted it is illegal to shoot this federally-protected bird, and the authorities were notified.
This was just one of the 5,000-plus animals admitted at the Wildlife Rehabilitation Center in 2019 -- the only wildlife hospital in Milwaukee County. CLICK HERE to learn more, or to make a donation to help with the care of animals like this hawk.