Read it: State officials, lawmakers share their reaction to U.S.-Iran nuclear deal

MILWAUKEE -- Lawmakers and officials are sharing their thoughts in the wake of a deal between the U.S. and Iran on that country's nuclear program. You can read their statements below.

Gov. Scott Walker (R)

"President Obama’s nuclear agreement with Iran will be remembered as one of America's worst diplomatic failures. The deal allows Tehran to dismantle U.S. and international sanctions without dismantling its illicit nuclear infrastructure—giving Iran’s nuclear weapons capability an American stamp of approval. In crafting this agreement, President Obama has abandoned the bipartisan principles that have guided our nonproliferation policy and kept the world safe from nuclear danger for decades. Instead of making the world safer, this deal will likely lead to a nuclear arms race in the world’s most dangerous region. What’s worse, the deal rewards the world’s leading state sponsor of terrorism with a massive financial windfall, which Iran will use to further threaten our interests and key allies, especially Israel.

"I call on all congressional leaders and presidential candidates, including Secretary Clinton, to repudiate this agreement. Iran’s Supreme Leader should know that a future American president will not be bound by this diplomatic retreat. Undoing the damage caused by this deal won’t be easy. But when the United States leads, and has a president who isn’t eager to embrace Iran, the world will follow. In order to ensure the safety of America and our allies, the next president must restore bipartisan and international opposition to Iran’s nuclear program while standing with our allies to roll back Iran’s destructive influence across the Middle East."

Rep. Ron Kind (D)

"I commend Secretary Kerry and the other negotiators for all of their hard work to reach an agreement. Iran’s history of cheating on agreements has fostered an environment of distrust, which makes it necessary for Members of Congress to study the agreement to ensure Iran is held to high verification standards and inspectors have adequate access to all sites. It is easier to deal with an Iran without a nuclear weapon than trying to work backwards once Iran has manufactured a weapon.  In the coming months I look forward to carefully evaluating the agreement and attending classified briefings to guarantee the security and safety of our allies in the region."

Rep. Glenn Grothman (R)

"It’s disappointing, but not surprising, that the Obama Administration signed a bad deal with Iran given President Obama’s ignorance when it comes to foreign policy. Today, his administration has paved the way for Iran to build a nuclear weapon, while leaving the United States and the international community very few options to prevent a nuclear Iran in the future.

"The fact that Secretary Kerry and President Obama repeatedly made concessions and crossed their own redlines is beyond reprehensible. This deal lacks the oversight needed by the United States and the International Atomic Energy Agency to stop the enrichment of uranium and to close down Iran’s nuclear sites and centrifuges. Israel and our allies were counting on the United States to not back down, and now we’re left with a bad deal and broken promises.

"Lifting sanctions on Iran, a country on the State Department’s state sponsors of terrorism list, is dangerous and proves that President Obama and his administration negotiated from a position of weakness. Allowing over $100 billion dollars to flow into Iran’s economy, by lifting economic sanctions, will only fuel Iran’s violence and terror throughout the region. Russia’s recent decision to lift a ban on selling a sophisticated missile defense system to Iran is further cause for concern.

"I will carefully review the Administration’s nuclear deal with Iran, but cannot support any deal that puts our national security at risk."