Quitting smoking can be tough, but American Cancer Society offers help for those in need

MILWAUKEE -- The American Cancer Society has some stark numbers when it comes to the rate that Wisconsinites die each year from smoking.

Jennifer Washington-McMurray

Jennifer Washington-McMurray says this Thursday, November 17th will be a big day for millions of people. It is the 40th annual Great American Smokeout.

"So, you'll see and hear about events taking place at UW-M," Washington-McMurray said.

Doctors and healthcare advocates know in the real world, quitting smoking probably will not happen on the first, second or even third try.

"But for those who have to try over and over again, it may not work on this Thursday. But maybe it will work next Thursday. Maybe it will work on Thanksgiving," Washington-McMurray said.

5,000 Wisconsin residents die each year from tobacco-related illnesses. Nationally, cigarettes contribute to one-third of all cancer deaths each year.

"They need to know about experiences, about facts about education and they want to know about stories. They want to hear from other individuals who have succeeded," Washington-McMurray said.

Washington-McMurray said smokers should not be discouraged and create a plan to quit for good. This coming Thursday is the perfect opportunity to get started.

"Everyone is working together to help individuals stop smoking," Washington-McMurray said.

The American Cancer Society has many tools and tips on practical ways to quit smoking. CLICK HERE to view those resources.