Preserving pictures with help from Pixologie: Don't let those memories go to waste

MILWAUKEE -- Do you have boxes of old family pictures lying around -- or maybe some old home videos? Don't let those memories go to waste. Mollie Bartelt with Pixologie joined the Studio A team to talk about preserving pictures.

About Pixologie (from website)

A photo and media organization and management company, Pixologie was founded by Mollie Bartelt and Ann Matuszak because they love photos and the stories that are captured in them. They believe that relationships and lives can be improved when individuals and families celebrate their memories and traditions when looking through their photos together.

Bringing a wealth of non-profit business management, direct sales and social service experience, Ann and Mollie believe photo and media organization services offers individuals and families a place to start and the tools to preserve the past through photo scanning, digitization (slides, negatives, film, video and treasured memorabilia).

Pixologie, Inc. is located in the greater Milwaukee, Wisconsin area and is unique in offering photo organization and management services, onsite do-it-yourself options for their clients and trademark licensing for entrepreneurs. Check out our growing list of locations where our licensees have their own Pixologie business.