Port Washington referendum; fire department funding an 'urgent' need

The Port Washington Fire Department needs more staff to keep up with a growing number of emergency calls, and the solution will fall on voters.

The city council voted Tuesday night, Dec. 19 to place a referendum question on the April 2 ballot – asking voters if they support an increase in the city’s annual property tax levy to address fire/EMS staffing. 

"This is really urgent for us," said Joe DeBoer, Port Washington  deputy fire chief and EMS director.

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Beginning in 2025, the levy would fund six additional full-time fire/EMS positions and retain three full-time positions that have been temporarily funded through American Rescue Plan Act grants.

The Port Washington  Fire Department said, over the past decade, the number of emergency calls rose 53% while staffing declined 23%.

Port Washington Fire Department

"There’s no sign that our calls for service are going to drop," DeBoer said. "We’re just kind of at a breaking point."

Fire officials said the tax increase would also allow emergency vehicles to leave immediately – rather than waiting for on-call staff to show up.

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"It not only puts a strain on us, but it puts a strain on our community not having an ambulance sometimes being able to respond," said DeBoer. "Nobody wants to have to call an ambulance – but you want them there ready to respond if you need them."

Fire officials said the solution starts with voters. If voters approve the referendum, it would increase the property tax for a median-value home by roughly $214 per year.