Police: Lap bar failed in Mt. Olympus roller coaster accident

LAKE DELTON (AP) — A police report cites a faulty safety bar in an accident on a roller coaster ride at a Wisconsin Dells area indoor resort.

An attorney for the family of 63-year-old Anthony Theisen says he remains in a coma at University Hospital in Madison with numerous fractures and a brain injury.

Lake Delton police say Theisen fell nearly 17 feet from the roller coaster to the concrete floor at Mt. Olympus Theme Park March 6. Theisen's wife, Kay Theisen, was riding in the same coaster cart and told police her husband's lap bar unlocked when they went around a corner and he was thrown into the air.

A police officer who checked the ride said it appeared the locking mechanism on the bar was stripped. A Mt. Olympus maintenance worker told investigators the ride was working properly during test runs that day.

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