Planning an international trip? Milwaukee Post Office to hold helpful Passport Day event

MILWAUKEE -- Have the urge to take an international vacation? The Milwaukee Post Office is making it easier than ever for travelers to do just that.

The Milwaukee Post Office will host a "Passport Day" event on Saturday, April 9 for residents planning to travel outside the United States to apply for a passport without making a reservation.

In addition to the familiar passport book, travelers can also apply for a passport card, which may be used for land and sea travel  between the U.S. and Canada, Mexico, Bermuda or the Caribbean region. This wallet-size passport card is a less expensive alternative for those who travel to these destinations -- but it cannot be used for international air travel.

To apply for a passport book or passport card for the first time, applicants need proof of U.S. citizenship in the form of a certified copy of their birth certificate issued by the city, county or state, or a certificate of citizenship or a naturalization certificate.  Applicants will also need a valid form of photo identification, and must submit a photocopy of identification, such as a current valid driver’s license, government ID or military photo ID.  Unless otherwise noted, photo service will be available at Milwaukee Post Offices.

For first time applicants, the fee for a passport book is $110.00 to the Department of State with an acceptance fee of $25 to the Postal Service. The fee for an adult passport card is $30.00. An expedited process is also available. Passport applications for both the book and the card require a 2 x 2 photograph in color, which can be taken at the Passport Day event for a $15.00 fee. The fee for minors under the age of 16 is $80 for a Passport Book and $15 for a Passport Card. Parents applying for Passport Books/Cards for children under the age of 16 must both be present along with the child. The following Milwaukee area Post Offices will be participating in this event:

    To learn more about passport application costs, CLICK HERE.