"Opening day was perfect!" Hunters enjoy warmer temperatures, deer processors already busy!
MILWAUKEE (WITI) -- The nine-day gun deer hunting season began Saturday, November 22nd -- and continues through next Sunday, November 30th. Hunters enjoyed warmer temperatures as they headed out to kick off the season this weekend.
"I got my deer. I'm done! It was a little nubbin buck -- nothing major, but deer nonetheless. It was a great season. Opening day was perfect," Mickey Chavannes said.
Just one day into the season, Bunzel's Deer Processing on W. Burleigh in Milwaukee was busy processing deer on Sunday, November 23rd.
"We'll probably get 75-100 in (Sunday). We'll get more deer today than normal on a Sunday opening weekend because the weather is a little warmer. They'll want to get them in quick because it's 50 degrees out," Bunzel's owner Chip Bunzel said.
Bunzel's is just the place to turn venison into tasty meals and treats.
"We can cut it into chops or steaks or roast -- table meals. We can take your trimmings and make them into venison jerky, summer sausage," Greg Komp with Bunzel's said.
Workers at Bunzel's will process about 300 to 400 deer during this year's gun deer hunting season.
"It gets really intense. We got a good crew that`s been doing it for a number of years," Chip Bunzel said.
Hunters say this weekend's warmer temperatures made it easier to be outdoors -- scouting deer.
"It wasn't too cold, and that's what saved us. When you're out there in the tree stand for six to eight hours, it could be a bit much when it's a cold day," Chavannes said.
The nine-day gun deer hunting season wraps up on November 30th.
Bunzel's owner Chip Bunzel says it's important for hunters to get their deer into a processing facility as soon as possible so they can truly enjoy their hunt. When temperatures are warmer, like they were this weekend, Bunzel recommends hunters put their deer on ice as soon as possible.
Bunzel's can turn around a deer in about a day's time.
"We want everyone to be happy when they walk in and walk out," Chip Bunzel said.
CLICK HERE to learn more about the gun deer hunting season via the Wisconsin DNR's website.
CLICK HERE to learn more about deer processing at Bunzel's.
CLICK HERE to view & submit photos from this year's deer hunt.