New ways to buy and eat local
Grocery shopping habits during the coronavirus pandemic have changed across the country, in part because of supply disruptions ranging from meat to produce.
That has some people rethinking how and where they get their food.

Consumer Reports explains why buying local might be your best bet.
First, check out farmers markets, where the food is harvested locally and doesn’t travel across the country to grocery stores.
You’ll be getting fresh, nutritious food.
Much of what you’ll find at a farmers market is also grown with fewer pesticides or is certified organic.

The USDA says that the products there are often competitively priced compared with retail stores.
You can also purchase a “share” in a farm program.

A CSA is a community supported agriculture plan.
You pay upfront and in return get a box every week that consists of food that’s been harvested nearby.
You end up getting a really great variety of food that you might not purchase on your own.
Another option is to buy directly from a farm.
There are Facebook groups that connect customers to local places. One that’s just over a month old already has 7,500 members.
And don’t be worried if you come home from a farmers market with more fruits and vegetables than you know what to do with.

Why not freeze them for later?

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