New police recruits pledge to serve and protect: "This is not a job for the faint-hearted"
New police recruits pledge to serve and protect: “This is not a job for the faint-hearted”
New police recruits pledge to serve and protect: "This is not a job for the faint-hearted"
MILWAUKEE -- After a weekend of turmoil in Milwaukee, the ranks of the city's police department are growing. The Milwaukee Police Department swore in 45 new recruits on Monday morning, August 15th.
With friends and family there for support, those new recruits swore to protect and serve the City of Milwaukee in a ceremony at the Police and Fire Academy.

Milwaukee Police Department swears in new recruits
"With everything that's going on with Milwaukee right now, for her to still want to step in this position and take on that role as a police officer, I'm so proud of her," said Shamara Alexander, a friend of a recruit.
The fact that Monday's pre-scheduled event took place after two nights of unrest was not lost on any -- from Mayor Tom Barrett...
"This is not a job for the faint-hearted," Barrett said.
To the director of training at the academy.

Capt. Nicole Davila, Director of Training
"The fact that they showed up despite the things that have happened in our city shows that they already are the example of courage," said Capt. Nicole Davila, Director of Training.
One of the new recruits, Aaron Nelson, served as a Marine in Iraq for 15 months. But after this past weekend's unrest, Nelson's parents say they are just as concerned now as they were when their son was first deployed overseas.
"I think it's about the same, about the same, with what's going on in society now." said Charyl Effle, Aaron's mother. "It`s a big step, big responsibility."

Milwaukee Police Department swears in new recruits
For the families, there may be nerves and concern. But there is also a clear message for the newest members of the Milwaukee Police Department.
"I'm so proud of you son, walk tall," Effle said.

Milwaukee Police Department swears in new recruits