More Wisconsin grocers seek to offer curbside alcohol pickup
MADISON, Wis. — More Wisconsin grocers are asking municipalities for liquor license extensions so they can take alcohol purchased online out to customers' vehicles.
Wisconsin Public Radio reports that Walmart and Pick 'n Save first started offering curbside pickup of beer, wine and spirits in the Milwaukee and Fox Valley areas in 2017. Other stores quickly followed, but the practice has been met with criticism that it could allow minors to buy alcohol or make liquor access easier in a state that's known to overindulge.
Neenah Alderwoman Marge Bates says curbside pickup could worsen binge drinking in the Fox Valley. The city has been asked to amend retail liquor licenses to allow for curbside pickup of alcohol, though it hasn't happened yet.
Wisconsin Grocers Association President Brandon Scholz predicts online grocery sales will grow rapidly.