Milwaukee 'smart meter' rates going up, grace period on metered parking violations to expire
MILWAUKEE -- The City of Milwaukee will be raising hourly rates for parking that requires the use of "smart meters" beginning Tuesday, June 23. The grace period on metered parking enforcement will also end on June 23.
The smart meters allow customers to pay via coin, credit card or the MKE Park app.
Since 2018, the city has invested more than $3 million in smart meter installation that is currently available throughout the city's central business district and Historic Third Ward; the city is in the process of adding the meters to other areas.
As part of the investment, the following hourly rates will change at existing smart meters beginning June 23:
This change in rates will align with the end of the metered parking enforcement grace period. Since resuming timed meter parking regulations on June 10, reenactment notices with no fines have been placed on offending vehicles rather than citations. Beginning Tuesday, parking enforcement officers will be issuing citations for metered violations throughout the City of Milwaukee.