Milwaukee pimp gets 77 months in addition to 30-year sentence

MILWAUKEE (WITI) -- A federal judge has sentenced a Milwaukee pimp to 77 additional months in prison -- to follow his 30-year sentence already handed down.

United States Attorney James Santelle announced Thursday, March 6th that Federal District Court Judge Rudolph T. Randa sentenced 32-year-old Tyrone McMillian to 77 months imprisonment to follow his 30 year sex-trafficking sentence handed down by Federal District Court Judge Charles N. Clevert, Jr. on November 6, 2013.

This new sentence followed McMillian’s February 5, 2014 conviction in federal court for, as a convicted felon, being in unlawful possession of firearms and ammunition.

The current case arose from the results of a July 6, 2011 search warrant executed by the Milwaukee Police Department at McMillian’s residence in Brown Deer, Wisconsin.

Officers recovered a loaded handgun, an assault rifle, and hundreds of rounds of ammunition for those and other weapons in the search. That search also turned up evidence of McMillian’s involvement in a February 2011 theft of more than $325,000 in protein supplements from a warehouse in Dallas, Texas.

An affidavit filed by an agent from the Criminal Division of the Internal Revenue Service detailed McMillian’s receipt and expenditure of funds obtained from the subsequent sale of those protein supplements.

McMillian used the proceeds to purchase, among other things, a Bentley automobile for $79,500 and more than $40,000 of custom-made jewelry.

In addition to the vehicle and jewelry, Milwaukee Police Department officers seized $94,600 in cash during that search. The cash, automobile, and jewelry were all forfeited to the United States.

The case was investigated by detectives from the Milwaukee Police Department, agents from the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms, and agents from the Federal Bureau of Investigation working through the Human Trafficking Task Force.

This case and the sex-trafficking case, were prosecuted by Assistant United States Attorney Joseph R. Wall.

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