Milwaukee family convinced West Nile Virus killed their loved one
MILWAUKEE -- A Milwaukee family is warning people about the West Nile Virus. They're convinced it killed their relative. While health officials cannot confirm this, they are urging people to be cautious.
Milwaukee's Director of Disease Control, Paul Biedrzycki, has issued a warning about the continuing spread of the virus in southeast Wisconsin.
"Not to alarm the public, but they should know that these two deaths and at least five hospitalizations are West Nile virus-related," Biedrzycki said.
This week, the Wisconsin Division of Public Health confirmed two people listed as having probable cases of West Nile Virus died -- one in Waukesha County and the other in Greenfield. Both individuals are said to have been in their 70s and contracted the virus after being bitten by mosquitoes.
Biedrzycki anticipates more cases are coming. He's advising everyone use repellents containing deet, wearing long-sleeved shirts and pants in wooded areas and avoiding standing water.
"The disease is widely-circulating. There are probably many more mild cases of disease, and a lot more cases of asymptomatic," Biedrzycki said.
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