Milwaukee earns grant to improve pedestrian safety, walkers appreciative
Milwaukee earns grant to improve pedestrian safety, walkers appreciative
Milwaukee earns grant to improve pedestrian safety, walkers appreciative
MILWAUKEE (WITI) -- A $25,000 grant from the Bureau of Transportation Safety revealed on Tuesday, May 5th will help Milwaukee police educate pedestrians and the public on traffic laws.
The announcement of the grant came in a neighborhood where vehicle versus pedestrian crashes have been a cause for concern. In particular, it's the area between 12th St. and 20th St. -- from National Ave. to Greenfield Ave.
Lee Lyon is among those helping for help in slowing down the dangerous driving in the neighborhood.
"They definitely need something around here," said Lyon. "It takes a little while to get across the intersections. And you get people, they don't even bother to look, they just go."
But Milwaukee police say the city is putting the grant money to good use.
"They did a very nice job, the city traffic engineers, of putting in pedestrian crosswalks, highly-visible crosswalks, to help alleviate some of those accidents that we were having," said Sgt. Jeffery Sunn of the Milwaukee Police Department.