Milwaukee Board of Review extends assessment objection deadline to June 8
MILWAUKEE -- The Milwaukee Board of Review voted on Friday, May 15 to extend the deadline for filing of assessment objections to Monday, June 8 at 4:45 p.m. This is a three-week extension from the original statutory deadline of May 18 -- and applies to all city assessments.
A news release says the goal of extending the deadline, particularly in light of the COVID-19 pandemic, is to assist residential property owners who saw large assessment increases. The average residential property assessment increased 11.95% from last year, and to date the Assessor’s Office has received 5,171 objection forms, up from 2,085 in 2019.
Residents who wish to file an objection may continue to do so by contacting the Assessor’s Office by phone at 414-286-6565 or email at It is recommended that evidence be submitted with an appeals form. Examples of evidence include:
Information on appealing an assessment can be found at