Mequon clinics turn annual toy drive into toiletry drive
With the nation's recession, there are many new faces of poverty, and because of a great need, Mequon's Solaris Medical Spa and Davis Medical Clinic are changing their annual holiday toy drive into a toiletry drive, and collecting personal hygiene items to help those less fortunate.
Dr. Marsha Davis runs both clinics, and her marketing director also serves on the Board of Directors for the Northern Ozaukee Salvation Army, where they've seen a growing need for personal hygiene items to benefit middle class families out of work due to the struggling economy. Davis says already the community is responding, dropping off items like paper towels, toothpaste and toilet paper.
"We have hurting people. They were basically just getting by with just paying the electric and telephone bill, and didn't have money for really important things like detergent, toothpaste, toiletries. That hurts my heart, and is the reason why we're doing what we're doing," Davis said.