Menominee Nation elects new executive council

KESHENA, WI (WITI) -- The Menominee Nation Tribal Legislature has elected the Executive Council for 2014, including Laurie Boivin as Chairwoman, Crystal Chapman-Chevalier as Vice Chair and Joan Delabreau as Secretary.

Boivin replaces Craig Corn who had served as Chairman for the last two years. Gary Besaw, a member of the Tribal Legislature, will continue as Chairman of the Menominee Kenosha Gaming Authority, according to Boivin.

Boivin will give the State of the Tribes address in Madison before a joint session of the Wisconsin Legislature on Thursday, February 13th.

Previously, Boivin served from 2003 to 2012 as a legislator before stepping down after a third consecutive term which is mandatory under the Menominee Tribal Constitution. She was Tribal Chairwoman in 2010; has been a member of both the Keshena and Kenosha Gaming Authorities and served as General Manager of the Menominee Casino in Keshena from 1989 – 1996. Currently, she is the Business Manager of the Menominee Tribal Clinic, a position from which she will take a leave of absence to serve her term as Tribal Chairwoman.