Married father of four is Redbook's "Hottest Husband 2013"
(FOX) -- Tom Rice of Palm Desert, California is Redbook Magazine's Hottest Husband of 2014!
The married 48-year-old father of four is also a successful construction business owner.
He beat out 1,500 other guys for the title!
His newfound fame began last April, when his wife saw an article in Redbook asking wives if they think their husband is hot.
"It was a little strange. I was driving in my truck working, and she goes 'by the way, I entered you in this contest,'" Rice said.
"It said something like, 'Do you think your husband is hot?' And I though, 'yeah, he's hot!' And here we are," Rice's wife, Patricia said.
As part of Redbook's "Hottest Husband" title -- Rice and his wife won a trip to Curacao in the Caribbean.