Looking back: Contact 6 returns $191,922 to viewers in 2019
MILWAUKEE — It's been a busy year for FOX6's Contact 6. The team helped hundreds of viewers with some big problems. From billing mistakes to bad contractors and everything in between, Contact 6 made it their mission to help viewers stay informed. In total, Contact 6 processed 461 complaints in 2019.

The Contact 6 team works hard on and off television to help viewers get cash back. Unfortunately, not every case they assist with makes it onto TV.
Some of the resolutions Contact 6 helped reach included getting T-Mobile to drop a bill for a cell phone that hadn't been used in years.
Contact 6 also exposed a shortage of dentists in Wisconsin who can treat patients with significant special needs and helped one man get an appointment.
Contact 6 also exposed a company that installed solar panels that didn't work. Those issues are now being resolved.
In October, Mukwonago approved a permit for The Haase House, a program for adults with disabilities. This, after a Contact 6 report exposed the challenges they encountered trying to open in a residential neighborhood.
In September, we were able to hand-deliver a refund to one woman -- after her pool project went off the deep end.
In 2019, Contact 6's cash back total was $191,922.
If you have a complaint you want to file with Contact 6 -- CLICK HERE.