Keeping kids safe: Officials pay extra attention to sex offenders at Halloween
MILWAUKEE (WITI) -- Thousands of children out on the streets, knocking on strangers doors. You can see why the annual tradition of trick-or-treat might be concerning, especially when sex offenders are in the neighborhood. Milwaukee County Sheriff's Deputies, and State Agents are out making sure there are not tricks from them.
In many Milwaukee County neighborhoods, people are doing things to make trick or treaters safe -- like blocking off streets. FOX6 News went out with a special team that had its own way of making it safe for the kids.
While in costume, a princess and a cheetah are going door-to-door for Halloween on Milwaukee's near South side, so is another group. They are dressed as Milwaukee County Deputies and Wisconsin Probation and Parole Agents because that is what they are.
"We're out here trying to create an environment where we can keep track of all the sex offenders. We're assigned to the south side of Milwaukee," said Dan, a Milwaukee County Deputy.
During the hours of trick-or-treat, sex offenders must be off the streets, not handing out candy, and in fact can't do anything to welcome trick-or-treaters.
Some of the sex offenders have signs that say 'no candy.'
While out with the team of officials, a sex offender is arrested for finding contraband in the offender's room. While this sex offender wasn't enticing children on trick-or-treat, he also wasn't abiding by his probation rules, according to officials.
"That sex offender will be going to jail now and meeting with is parole agent next week to determine what happens next," said Dan.
Last year, deputies knocked on 200 doors of sex offenders. 19 were arrested for violations.
Officials say two were arrested on felony warrants from the top ten most wanted list. We'll have to wait for this year's tally.