'I've seen a lot:' Woman honored for 50 years of service at Arandell Corporation in Menomonee Falls

Kathy Schaber
MENOMONEE FALLS -- The Department of Labor reports the average time a person spends at a job is around four years. Kathy Schaber was honored Monday, June 24 after serving 50 years at Arandell Corporation in Menomonee Falls.
The printing presses at Arandell go faster than the eye can keep up, but Schaber has been a constant through all the changes.
"That was even pre white-out, so everything was very manual," said Schaber, manager of client services.

Kathy Schaber
Schaber started at the company when she was 18.
"Needless to say, I've seen a lot," said Schaber.

Arandell Corporation
She was honored a time or two -- for 25 years with the company, 35 years, 45 years, and a half-century.
"People think I'm a little nuts for not retiring at my age. I could have retired," said Schaber.
"Still has the same energy she had when she started," said Norman Speererecher, Arandell retiree.

Kathy Schaber
Schaber worked her way up, and now makes sure everything's perfect before its sent to the press. Schaber said she's stayed because of the people, and because every day on the job is different. She offered some advice for employers who want to keep employees around.
"Treat them fairly. Treat them with respect. Appreciate what they do, definitely," said Schaber.
She said she doesn't plan to stop working anytime soon.
"I'm so happy to be here, and I'm not planning to go anywhere yet," said Schaber.