"It's a shocker!" A lot of mouths to feed, after Great Dane "Snowy" gives birth to NINETEEN puppies!
PENNSYLVANIA (WITI) -- A Pennsylvania family has their hands full after their Great Dane "Snowy" gave birth to NINETEEN puppies!
Brandon and Aimie Terry knew their dog was pregnant, but they say they weren't expecting this many new additions!
"We had made an appointment to take her into the vet, and they did an X-ray, and found out that there were 15 little spines in the X-ray," Brandon Terry said.
"They told us that she would probably have two more weeks, and she came a week early -- and we were not prepared!" Aimie Terry said.
"I had gone outside, and I was doing things around the yard, and I just kept hearing a small little scream -- like a little cry, and at first I just thought it was a kitten," Brandon Terry said.
Brandon Terry quickly found out it was a newborn puppy!
"I ran in the house and yelled for my wife. We ran down into the basement and wrapped the puppy up in a blanket," Brandon Terry said.
"We ended up yelling for Snowy to come in. We got her into the basement and she proceeded to have six more puppies.
Twelve more Great Dane puppies were delivered at the animal hospital.
"It's a shocker, but I'm glad that, you know, they're all here and the kids are experiencing stuff. We're teaching them how to tend to animals," Brandon Terry said.
The puppies are now just over three weeks old, and they just recently opened their eyes.
"Right now, they are into exploring and playing -- fighting with each other," Aimie Terry said.
At about nine months old, these puppies will be about three feet tall, and they'll weigh more than 100 pounds.
Veterinarians say Great Danes usually have between seven and ten puppies. The world record for the largest litter is 24 puppies.
The Terrys plan to keep the first-born puppy, and they hope to find good homes for the rest.
CLICK HERE for more on this story via WHTM.