"It brought us closer together:" Community program puts young, African-American men to work

MILWAUKEE (WITI) -- A project on Milwaukee's north side is helping young men in the community grow together.

"We Got This" was founded this summer -- with the mission of helping young, black men by giving them jobs working in their neighborhoods. The community then foots the bill for their wages.

This week marked the 20th week where young men between the ages of 12 and 16 worked to clean up neighborhoods and build a community garden.

"We Got This" participants say it was a great way to meet new people and get some work experience.

"I think, you know what I'm saying, it just brought us closer together. You know, before -- I didn't know a lot of people over here, you know. I just moved over here with my brother. Now I know everybody over here from the garden," Tyrone Woods said.

Milwaukee Mayor Tom Barrett joined the program's participants on Saturday morning, August 30th.