Hunters kill 10 elk in Wisconsin’s second hunt
MADISON, Wis. — Wisconsin wildlife officials say hunters killed 10 elk in Wisconsin’s second elk season.
The Department of Natural Resources set a 10-bull limit for the season, which ran from Oct. 12 to Nov. 10 in Ashland, Bayfield, Price and Sawyer counties.
The department says hunters authorized by the state killed five bulls. Ojibwe tribal hunters killed five.
More than 23,000 Wisconsin residents submitted a $10 application in hopes of winning one of four state tags in a drawing. About 2,500 more bought a ticket in hopes of winning the fifth tag in a Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation raffle.
Seven dollars from every application fee as well as raffle proceeds will go to elk management and research in Wisconsin.
The 2020 elk hunt application period is expected to run from March 1 through May 31.