Hundreds honor the memory of Dr. King in Milwaukee
MILWAUKEE -- Hundreds turned out to honor the memory of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Monday morning. They were taking part in the 15th annual Dr. King, Jr. Breakfast at the Frontier Airlines Center.
The event held in downtown Milwaukee was Wisconsin's largest MLK remembrance. Some 700 community and state leaders took part in the breakfast including Gov. Scott Walker, Milwaukee County Executive Chris Abele, and Milwaukee Mayor Tom Barrett.
Following a tradition, every year one or two organizations is recognized for its work in the community. On Monday, the Brewers Community Foundation and Independence First received awards from the YMCA for its service. The YMCA says those organizations embody exactly what Dr. King strived for -- building awareness to diversity and helping build a better future.
Across town, it was no doubt a "day on" for dozens of young adults painting newly-renovated homes for the House of Love. More than 25 volunteers from Admission Possible and AmeriCorps helped out.