Geese and goslings rescued from roof of six-story warehouse
MILWAUKEE (WITI) -- Most parents take great care when deciding where to have their babies. But one “mom” and “dad” picked a bad spot – and on Tuesday, May 7th, the whole family had to be rescued!
A pair of Canada geese picked a heck of a spot for a nest -- the top of the Lincoln Warehouse, located at 2018 S. First Street in Milwaukee. FOX6 News found them up there Tuesday, but Dave Ingles actually found them weeks ago. He works for “Roof Restoration.” He said the five goslings just hatched on Monday. He worried about them being up on the roof.
"They would fall to their deaths if they fell that far,” he said.
Plus, the birds walked all over his roof coating. You could actually see the silver goop all over them. And that wasn’t the birds' only problem.
"There's really nothing to drink up here,” noted Scott Diehl, Wildlife Manager with the Humane Society.
He showed up with a big net – and a friend, Crystal. Together, they carefully approached the geese on the roof. They backed the geese against a wall, so they would not fall off the roof. Then, they swooped in with their nets. They first captured the “mom” and “dad,” then scooped up the goslings. One of the babies tried to make a run for it, but didn’t get far.
Scott and Crystal put the babies in a black bag and took the geese back to the Humane Society to get cleaned up. The babies were individually bathed and showered, then placed in an incubator. They will soon be reunited with their parents and eventually released back into the wild, near the spot where they were rescued.