"Fill The Helmet" campaign: Firefighters team up with Green Bay Packers to help kids

MILWAUKEE -- Milwaukee firefighters are teaming up with the Green Bay Packers and the Professional Firefighters of Wisconsin to help kids.

The partnership is for the "Fill The Helmet" campaign that is going on across the state.

Campaign organizers hope to raise more than $1 million by fall to bring child identification kits to every kindergartner through eighth-grader in Wisconsin.

"Now here's an opportunity to make this world a little bit better place by each and every one of us. So let's get together and get behind this organization and try to make a difference," former Packers player Jerry Kramer said.

The child identification kits include a fingerprint kit that doesn't involve ink, a DNA swab and a cut out wallet card which parents can keep unless law enforcement officials need them.

All money raised will be donated to the Safety Blitz Foundation to distribute the kits.

CLICK HERE to learn more about the SAFETY BLITZ National Child Identification Program.