Ex-Brown County DARE officer charged in parking pass scam
GREEN BAY — A former Brown County Sheriff's deputy and a former DARE program volunteer have been charged with stealing from the drug education program.
Former DARE officer Kevin Vanden Heuvel, of Wrightstown, was charged Thursday with four felonies, including two counts of theft by an employee and two counts of misconduct in office. He spent more than 20 years with Brown County's DARE program. Former volunteer Early Fuller, of Green Bay, is charged with being a party to theft and obstructing an officer.
WLUK-TV reports (http://bit.ly/1hAjGaW ) Vanden Heuvel and Fuller allegedly stole money meant for the program by handing out fake parking passes for the DARE lot near Lambeau Field.
Online court records don't list attorneys for either defendant who could comment on their behalf.
DARE stands for Drug Abuse Resistance Education.